Data Structures Project 2

Project Overview
This project is written in MinGW C++ and processes the Noktalar.txt file to manage data points in a priority queue and store them in an AVL tree. Each line in Noktalar.txt represents the x, y, and z coordinates of points forming line segments. A class named DogruKuyrugu is designed to handle these points, storing them as a priority queue based on their distance from the origin (0,0,0).
Class and Data Structures DogruKuyrugu: This class manages the points in a priority queue based on their proximity to the origin. Each line in Noktalar.txt is represented by an instance of this class. AVL Tree: Once DogruKuyrugu objects are created, they are stored in an AVL tree. The insertion into the AVL tree is based on the total length of the line segments formed by the points in each DogruKuyrugu.
Technical Details
Managed data in a priority queue and stored it in an AVL tree for efficient search and retrieval.
Language: C++
• Gained hands-on experience in advanced data structures, memory management, and algorithm optimization in C++.